Aisagaliev, S. А.
    Mathematical programming [Электронный ресурс] : textbook / Aisagaliev S. А. - Алматы : Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, 2011. - 207 с. - ISBN 9965-29-630-8 : Б. ц.
Книга находится в Премиум-версии ЭБС IPRbooks.
Режим доcтупа:
ББК 22.1

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
mathematical programming -- линейное программирование -- математическое программирование
Аннотация: Some theoretical foundations of mathematical programming are expounded in the textbook: elements of convex analysis; convex, nonlinear, linear programming required for planning and production control for solution of the topical problems of the controlled processes in natural sciences, technology and economy. The tasks for independent work with concrete examples, brief theory and solution algorithms of the problems, term tasks on sections of the mathematical programming are put in the appendix. It is intended as a textbook for the students of the high schools training on specialties «applied mathematics», «mathematics», «mechanics», «economic cybernetics» and «informatics». It will be useful for the post-graduate students and scientific workers of the economic, mathematical, naturally-technical and economic specialties.

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Доп.точки доступа:
Zhunussova, Zh. Kh.
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