Adilbekova, A. O.
    Colloid chemistry of nanodisperse systems. Brief lecture notes [Электронный ресурс] : educational manual / Adilbekova A. O. - Алматы : Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, 2017. - 124 с. - ISBN 978-601-04-3042-6 : Б. ц.
Книга находится в Премиум-версии ЭБС IPRbooks.
Режим доcтупа:
ББК 24.6

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
коллоидная химия -- микроэмульсия -- нанодисперсная система -- нанотехнология -- наночастица
Аннотация: The manual is written on the base of lecture courses of the disciplines «Colloid Chemistry of nanodisperse systems», «Colloidal chemical bases of nanotechnology» and «Bases of nanotechnology». The educational manual represents a set of lecture notes devoted to colloidal chemical fundamentals of nanotechnology and nanochemistry. It is shown the connection between Colloid Science and Nanoscience, historical background of Nanotechnology. The lecture material contains the basic concepts, definitions, classifications regarding to nanoparticles, nanodisperse systems and their properties. The textbook will be in interest of bachelor students of specialties «Chemistry», «Chemical Technology of Organic Substances», «Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances», master students, PhD students of Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology.

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Доп.точки доступа:
Musabekov, K. B.
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