Electronic document management systems [Электронный ресурс] : textbook (laboratory workshop) / сост. M. G. Romanenko. - Ставрополь : Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет, 2019. - 103 с. - Б. ц.
Книга находится в Премиум-версии ЭБС IPRbooks.
Режим доcтупа:
ББК 22.18

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
информационная технология -- менеджмент -- поиск документа -- регистрация документа -- управление данными -- управление документооборотом -- электронный документ -- электронный документооборот
Аннотация: The textbook (laboratory workshop) on the subject «Electronic document management systems» is made in accordance with the program of discipline for master students of the field of training: 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies, orientation (profile) «Data management». Laboratory works included in the textbook (laboratory workshop) contains: the purpose of the work; a list of knowledge skills that must be formed in the course of laboratory work in accordance with the competencies formed; necessary for the successful development of the material theoretical information; a list of equipment used; safety instructions; a detailed description of typical tasks and technology solutions; tasks to perform; the structure and content of the report on the implementation of the tasks proposed in the laboratory work; the list of control questions on the topic under study, to which the student must know the answers; a list of recommended for use in the development of the studied topics of basic and additional literature.

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Доп.точки доступа:
Romanenko, M. G. \сост.\
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