Вид документа : Журнал
Шифр издания : 43387
Заглавие : American Journal of Pedagogy and Education
Выходные данные : Yelm: Science Book Publishing House, 2013
Примечания : Журнал находится в Премиум-версии ЭБС IPRbooks
ISSN: 2328-6768
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): pedagogy--education--educational policy
Аннотация: «American Journal of Pedagogy and Education» is scholarly, independently and anonymously peer-reviewed journal that focuses on issues and trends in pedagogies and learning in local and global contexts and leadership in educational research. The aim of the journal is to publish high quality research that focuses on the essence of pedagogy and learning and related issues and trends. While stimulating discussion of authoritative and emerging pedagogies and forms of learning, it will encourage the sharing of ideas that contribute to the transformation of contemporary conceptions of pedagogy and learning in order to reshape and revitalise educational provision from the perspectives of educators and learners alike. These ideas are intended to be simultaneously anchored in local, regional and national contexts and to be international and transnational in intent and impact. «American Journal of Pedagogy and Education» examines the relationship between educational policy and educational practice, and deals with education theory and research and their implications for educational life, while shedding new light on important debates and controversies within the field. Journal devotes special attention to publishing integrative research reviews, in-depth conceptual analyses of education and original studies that contain information on educational processes as well. br/\r\nИсточник: a hrefhttp://sbook.us//a
Зарегистрированы поступления :
2014г. экз.1; (ЭБС IPRbooks) N :1;
2013г. экз.1; (ЭБС IPRbooks) N :1