Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 18338
Автор(ы) : Козлов В. В.
Заглавие : Psychology of Buddhism
Выходные данные : Саратов: Вузовское образование, 2014
Колич.характеристики :178 с
Примечания : Книга находится в Премиум-версии ЭБС IPRbooks.
Цена : Б.ц.
УДК : 159
ББК : 88.4
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): психология
Аннотация: If it had happened as the outstanding American psychologists and one of the founding fathers of transpersonal paradigm predicted, Buddhist psychology would have been woven into the fabric of European culture for already 80 years. Alas, the great and mighty William James, as many other scientists, indulged in wishful thinking. But the trend was brilliantly predicted – the interest in Buddhist psychology has significantly increased during the last hundred years.